
online home of drummer alan hall

The website for drummer, teacher, composer Alan Hall

The Paths

 Three Songs via Three Paths

By working towards mastering a particular audition song, with its unique requirements, you’ll gain a specific set of jazz drumming skills. I’ve selected a group of songs that taken together will teach the wide range of skills you’ll need as a jazz band drummer.

Those skills include the ability to:

  • comp in several styles with a steady pulse

  • play fills and set-ups and catch figures

  • trade 4’s and solo over large song forms

  • play dynamically and sensitively

  • keep track of the the song form and arrangement events

The videos for each song below walk you through a gradual and logical approach to gaining the skills needed for each song. They should be studied and in the order they appear. Each song has several videos designed to set you up for a successful performance of the song.